Faculty: Science
Subject: GCSE Chemistry
Subject Leader: Mrs V Tapp (Head of department)
Staff and Responsibility: Mrs H Duggins, Mr Wilson
Key Stage 4 (GCSE) Chemistry
Chemistry is a challenging and stimulating subject. It has played a major role in improving living standards and is one of the most successful industries in the UK. In most cases, Chemistry is an essential subject for medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and some biological sciences.
You may benefit from the following resources and facilities:
- Specialised laboratories ideal for practical work.
- Three qualified teachers of Chemistry, with all members of science staff enthusiastic about teaching Chemistry.
- A well-equipped department, suitable for the vast quantity of practical work that Chemistry requires.
Lessons involve a wide and varied range of activities, placing an emphasis on practical skills. The new scheme of work includes formal presentation of new ideas and concepts, discussion and student presentations and is designed to ensure that learning is enjoyable and enhances a student’s enthusiasm for Chemistry and Science, and relevant to contemporary issues by building on previously studied concepts.
A Chemistry qualification provides the necessary skills to follow any science-related profession. It is also accepted for non-science careers such as accountancy and law.
We follow the AQA syllabus which includes the following modules:
- Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
- Bonding, Structure, and the Properties of Matter
- Quantitative Chemistry
- Chemical Changes
- Energy Changes
- The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change
- Organic Chemistry
- Chemical Analysis
- Chemistry of the Atmosphere
- Using Resources
Key Stage 5 – Chemistry
Exam Board and Entry Requirements
AQA external modules will be examined in the summer of Year 13. There is no coursework included in the course. Practical and experimental skills are assessed throughout the course and within the final exams.
Entry requirements are two science GCSEs at grade 6 (one of which must be Chemistry) and Maths GCSE at grade 6.
Course Content
The course builds on topics studied at GCSE and introduces some new topics. There are three modules throughout the two year course; module 1 studies physical chemistry, including the structure of an atom, types of bonding and physical properties, and energy in reactions. Module 2 studies inorganic chemistry, looking at trends and groups of elements. In module 3 students study organic chemistry which allows them to have a better understanding of naming structures, and how and why different types of molecules react, on a sub-atomic level.
Students will sit three papers at the end of the two year course, all of which include all three branches of Chemistry and practical skills
Useful Subject & Revision Websites
Contribution to SMSC
- Lessons on environmental issues e.g. quarrying, mining, recycling, use of resources, bio-fuels, global warming/dimming, acid rain, CFC’s