
What’s the value of homework?

  • Extensive research by the EEF has found that homework has a positive impact on progress, on average (+5 months), particularly with students in secondary schools.
  • Homework provides an opportunity for students to practise their learning away from the direct support of teachers. Practise makes permanent – developing schemas and strengthening connections within long-term memory.
  • Doing homework helps to establish good habits for success which are beneficial in education and beyond.
  • Homework provides crucial extra time for in-depth exploration of topics and pursuit of subject interests. It adds value to classroom learning.

At Trinity High School, we believe homework should be a regular, but not onerous, practice; it should be motivational, and impact positively on student learning and future performance.  Our homework policy sets out clear, manageable expectations, detailing the use of homework at different key stages at Trinity High School.

For homework support, we host a homework club for our Year 9 and 10 students in the library, every Wednesday, after school. For our Year 11 students, they can seek subject support at Passport for Success every Wednesday and Thursday, after school. Attending Passport shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for homework, as both play an important role in consolidating the learning that happens in the lesson.

Research shows that homework that is linked to classroom work tends to be more effective. The curriculum overview shares a summary of the learning taking place in the classroom for the upcoming half term.

Further research has found students who were set regular homework by their teacher performed significantly better than those who were set it occasionally. The frequency of homework timetable outlines when students should expect to receive homework, in each subject, across each key stage.


  • tes
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  • EQualities
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  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • healthy-school