Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre is fully committed to ensuring that all of our students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to manage their learning and career progression. Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre has already established a range of effective careers guidance activities which we hope will guide support our students to achieve positive destinations such as A ‘levels, Higher Education, Apprenticeships, Technical routes or Employment.
Our careers strategy sets out Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre key approaches internally and externally to enhance the current careers guidance activities and participation opportunities already available to our students. The aim is to ensure that students are fully prepared for and informed effectively about their next steps and can therefore aspire to achieve their full potential. We want to ensure that our students have both the aptitude and interpersonal skills to effectively communicate and add value within the workplace.
The school will collaborate throughout this strategy with a range of external agencies to help us ensure we will meet all of the mandatory requirements contained within the Department for Educations’ new careers strategy. These partnerships will include working alongside The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), The Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (WLEP), Worcestershire County Council (WCC), Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) providers, Worcestershire Apprenticeships (WA) and a wide range of local employers. High quality careers guidance is a crucial part of improving social mobility. Young people make choices based on what they know and what they think is available to them. If our young people are made fully aware of the career pathways and opportunities available to them, they will be more able to make informed choices about which qualifications and career pathways which will enable them to achieve their goals.
The strategy includes measures to further develop and improve the current provision on offer to students and will ensure that Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre will meet the requirement to meet the eight “Gatsby Benchmarks”, set out within the Department for Educations’ careers strategy by August 2020. This strategy outlines our whole school approach to delivering careers guidance to all of our students throughout their journey through education. Careers activity will therefore take place across years 7 through to year 13 as part of the mandatory requirements set by Department for Education and contained within the Gatsby Benchmarks.