Faculty: Mathematics
Subject: GCSE Mathematics
Subject Leader: Mr D Earles, Director of Faculty & Miss C Pinnell, Deputy Head of Faculty
Staff and Responsibility: Mr J Lal, Mr S Green, Head of Year, Mr J Kendall, Mrs R Booth, Mr. N. Warnett and Mrs A. Pendino.
Course Content
Mathematics teaches the GCSE syllabus over a three year period where all students follow a programme of study to suit their ability. Teaching groups are set across two parallel populations into Higher and Foundation level classes. The syllabus is split into teaching modules, several of which are delivered each half term.
All mathematics classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and the department has a wide range of interactive software. The faculty has access to several useful resources to support students throughout their time. The Maths Genie and JustMaths websites allow students to practise the most common examination questions, whilst Hegarty Maths aids teaching and practising of skills, as well as being utilised for homework.
We are following the Edexcel linear course which is split into Higher and Foundation and will consist of three papers, one without a calculator and two with a calculator. We assess at several times each term. These assessments are used to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and to allow students to understand the expectations in their final examinations. These results also help to ensure that students are in the best set for them.
Homework is set weekly and all students are expected to complete homework. This may be a written homework or a homework making use of the Hegarty Maths website to which we subscribe.
- Higher – 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 – with 9 being the highest grade possible
- Foundation – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – with 5 being the highest grade possible