Faculty: Science
Subject: Physical Education
Subject Leader: Miss R Taylor
Staff and Responsibility: Mrs L Chinn, Mr D Kesterton, Mr T Downing, Miss K Money and Mr A Willets
Core PE lessons will be taught making maximum use of our excellent facilities. These include playing fields, gymnasium, sports hall, a fitness suite, astroturf, netball and tennis courts. We ensure all students participate in two hours of quality PE each week, are physical active for a sustain period of time and lessons are delivered by passionate and dedicated teachers.
All students engage in a broad range of competitive sports and activities pitched at the correct level, ensuring challenge and time to progress. The Core PE programme enables all students to become; competent performers, reflective learners, successful leaders, honest officials, improve self-confidence and lead healthy active lifestyles.
All units of work are designed using the National Governing Bodies (NGBs) guidelines and covering:
- Invasion Sports– Football, Basketball, Netball, Rugby Handball and Dodgeball
- Net and Wall Sports – Badminton, Tennis, Volleyball and Table Tennis
- Striking and Fielding – Rounders, Cricket, and Softball
- Trampolining
- Athletics
- Health Related Fitness
- Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
At KS3 students will become competent learners and excel in a board range of competitive sports and activities. Students will embed and build on skills and techniques they have learnt in years 7 and 8. They will practice and analyse their skills and techniques, understanding what makes and performance effective. Students will develop their communications skills when discussing and applying tactics, strategies and solving problems, as part of a team or in small groups. They will understand how sport and physical activity can improve their health, wellbeing, and social skills.
At KS4 students will select and use advanced skills and techniques in complex and demanding situations, they will practice, analyse and refine their skills and techniques to ensure their performances are effective. Students will continue to develop their communication when discussing and using tactics, strategies and overcoming problems as part of a team. They will understand and practice their leader skills and experience different officiating roles. Students will get involved in a range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle.
Assessment in PE
Students will be assessed each term, they will be assessed using our 3 strand approach Head, Hand and Heart, which assesses all students physically, intellectually and socially.
All students will develop the confidence and interest to attend one of our many extra-curricular sports activities, breakfast clubs and local sports clubs. This allows them to consolidate the knowledge, understanding and skills learnt in their PE lessons. (See extra-curricular programme below).
Term 1a | Term 1b | Term 2a | Term 2b | Term 3a | Term 3b |
Boys Football
Girls Netball Badminton for all |
Boys Basketball
Girls Football Trampolining for all |
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball Trampolining for all |
Boys Hand Ball
Girls Handball Fitness for all |
Boys Cricket
Girls Rounders Athletics for all |
Boys Cricket
Girls Rounders Tennis for all
The school is very proud of our Sportsmark Gold Award which recognises the important contribution that this subject makes to our students’ physical, social and mental development.