Admission Arrangements


Visiting the School

Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre prides itself on its ‘Open Door’ policy. Visitors are always welcome and are only asked to give a little advance notice of their visit so that the Headteacher or one of his senior colleagues can be made available to answer questions, along with teacher or student guides for a tour of the school.

Prospective students and their families are particularly welcome at all times. However, during the first half of the Autumn Term the following admissions arrangements have been made;

  • An Open Evening will be held late September each year. Staff and students will be available to show you around the school and discuss aspects of the life and work of Trinity High School & Sixth Form Centre, and displays and activities will be presented throughout the evening.
  • We also offer an Open Morning shortly after the Open Evening which is by appointment only.  Should you wish to visit the school on one of these mornings, we would be grateful if you would let us know so that sufficient guides can be made available.
  • Our Sixth Form Open Evening is held after the Autumn Half Term during early November.
  • Parents or other interested members of the community, such as employers, who are unable to attend on the occasions listed above are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school at another more convenient time.

Place Availability

Trinity High School & Sixth Form Centre is the provided High School for Woodfield Academy, Birchensale and Walkwood Middle Schools. The admissions over subscription criteria is listed in the admissions policies below.

The admission limit for Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre is 252. This figure is based on the total capacity of the school, that is to say the whole of its extensive and highly specialised buildings. These, together with the surrounding gardens, playing fields, courts and other outdoor facilities, provide excellent high school accommodation in an unusually accessible and central position. While we welcome popularity, we hope that the natural size of the catchment area, and the excellent choice of high schools in Redditch, will mean that our intake will be such that the school will be small enough to be humane while being large enough to be economically strong.

In-Year Admissions

From 1st June 2020, all in-year admissions for Worcestershire schools are being co-ordinated by Worcestershire Children First.  Full details of the process for application can be found on the Worcestershire County Council website.


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  • SSAT
  • LEPP
  • EQualities
  • IoE-Partnership-logo
  • eco-schools-bronze-award
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • healthy-school