


Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to Summer Term! Whilst it doesn’t feel like summer in the slightest at the moment, I can assure you that the summer term has started! I hope that you all managed to enjoy a really well-deserved Easter break and ate plenty of chocolate eggs. It has been a busy week at Trinity and with no real time to settle in, the term has started with a bang.

Our Year 10 students have been a credit to themselves this week during their summer exam series. The Year 10 exams are a crucial, real experience and will provide us with a sense of how the Year 10 students have progressed throughout the first year of their GCSE studies. If the results reflect the hard work and effort of the students during this week, then I’m sure they will be strong. No matter how students have performed, the exams will help us to identify what students do and don’t know, so we can address any gaps in knowledge.

It also won’t have escaped the attention of Year 11 and 13 parents/carers that the start of the formal examination series is fast approaching. It is really important that students are studying independently at home to supplement the preparations that they are doing in school. There are study materials and revision advice on the website to support all students. Please visit                     Year 11 – Class of 2024 – Trinity High School & Sixth Form Centre to find out more.

This summer term there will be a full, extra-curricular programme with house programme and cultural capital trips running as usual, and the aim is always to ensure that as many students as possible participate in at least one club or event to broaden their horizons. Please check the summer extra-curricular programme out and give something a go.

In terms of a “save the date”, please can I remind parents/carers that this term’s SUMMER EXCELLENCE FOR ALL celebration assemblies will be on the morning of TUESDAY 16TH JULY. It would be lovely to see as many parents/carers as possible at the assemblies. As usual, there will be a VIP guest speaker and in the summer, the highest-achieving students and their parents/carers are treated to a tea party after the ceremony.

Finally, please can I continue to remind parents/carers of the importance of excellent school attendance and punctuality. Unless students have a contagious illness or there has been a family bereavement, then they should be in school. Please refer to the attendance section of our website for guidance on our attendance strategy and what to do if you’re unsure as to whether to send your child into school.

I look forward to writing to you throughout the summer term and if you need to get in contact with us, please do so through the usual channels.

Have a good weekend.

Best Regards,

Mr Ford




What parents & carers need to know about – For further guides, hints and tips please visit



Thank you for all the feedback we have had regarding the homework at THS framework. Heads of subject will be meeting in the summer term to look at ways we can be more consistent in our approaches to setting and rewarding students for their homework. All of the feedback is greatly appreciated and all of your views will be taken into account when planning for the future. If you have any further comments on this matter, then please email Mr Monk at



Can all parents /carers picking up at the Easemore Road gates please be mindful of parking and waiting for your child in a safe manner. There have been some complaints from local residents with regard to unsafe driving and parking in a way that is stopping the traffic from moving freely. Your support with helping to keep the road clear would be much appreciated.

Mr Ford



Please see the attached information.



Year 11

There are open days for HOW College and Warwickshire College Group as well as South and City College Bournville.

WCG Pershore Saturday 13th April 10.00am – 1.00pm

HOW College Saturday 20th April 10.00am – 1.00pm

SCCB Bournville 15th June 10.00am – 3.00pm

Apprenticeships are appearing thick and fast so please check


Year 10 Work Experience

Please hand in any outstanding reply slips as soon as possible.


Many thanks

Mrs L Laxton



Bronze DofE – Kit collection Thursday 18th April – DofE cupboard 3.10pm

Practice expedition Sunday 21st April 2.30 drop-off – Tuesday 23rd April 5pm collection.

Any issues with kit etc please contact Miss Lyons



Please find the latest version attached.



  26 April   Teacher Education Day
    6 May   Bank Holiday
  24 May   Break up for Whitsun
    3 June   School starts at 8.45am




  • tes
  • SSAT
  • LEPP
  • EQualities
  • IoE-Partnership-logo
  • eco-schools-bronze-award
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • healthy-school