

It was an absolutely amazing evening of talent on Wednesday 26th June and the live finals were a culmination of many, many months of hard work.
After writing and composing an original piece called Butterfly Blues, being the story of their friendship, Ellie and Amelia applied for RHT. They were successful and asked to auditions. Following this they were shortlisted and selected to perform at the live finals and were competing with both peers and adult performers too.
Whilst they didn’t win on the night, they were personally commended by the judges for producing such a catchy song and, indeed, being the only performers to do an original composition.
Both Trinity and parents of Ellie and Amelia are so unbelievably proud of them, not only for writing their own song, but also for having the courage and talent to perform successfully in front of a crowd of 400 spectators and judges in a theatre.
Trinity Students really do have talent.
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