
Inter-house Performing Arts Championship

At the end of last half term we held an exciting inter-house event, involving drama and music, and the results were absolutely amazing!

Wednesday, 15th February, was a busy day full of rehearsals, but it all came down to the main event in the evening. Malvern, Kinver and Bredon all competed against each other in singing, drama and band performances to compete for the overall Performing Arts Cup.

Each house put so much time and effort into perfecting their performances and their hard work paid off. They produced a fantastic show, supported by Mr Keady and Miss Lyons for the drama and music, as well as the house team leaders Mrs Brooks, Mr Timney and Mrs Barr.

MC Bristowe stole the show and kept everyone entertained throughout, but, in the end, it all came down to the results on the night, The eagerly awaited results were a close call.

Song: 1st – Malvern, 2nd Kinver, 3rd Bredon

Drama – 1st Bredon, 2nd Kinver, 3rd Malvern

Band – 1st Kinver, 2nd Malvern, 3rd Bredon

Leaving the overall results as:

1st Kinver, 2nd Malvern, 3rd Bredon.

Well done Kinver!

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