Introductory Letter
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is my great privilege to write to you for the first time as the new Headteacher of Trinity High School. I am very proud and honoured to have been appointed by the Trustees and Governors. It was very apparent on my first visit to Trinity High School that it is a very special learning community. During the interview process, I witnessed the exceptional relationships between staff and students and the dedication of the staff to ensure students receive an inspirational and memorable education. Everyone who attends Trinity High School to work or to learn are extremely proud of their association with the school and talk about their experiences with passion and it is for these reasons that I can’t wait to join the Trinity High School family.
In terms of my background, I have enjoyed 22 very happy years working in education, 11 of which have been as a senior leader and I have worked in contrasting schools across Worcestershire and the West Midlands. In my life outside school, I am a husband and a father to two very energetic and wonderful young boys. Outside work I still participate in a wide variety of sport and fitness activities and despite retiring from the game of rugby due to aching muscles and joints, I continue to be involved in the sport in the capacity of Head Coach for one of my son’s rugby teams.
Over the next term, the newsletter will be just one of my means of communication as I intend to hold some parent information meetings and coffee mornings which will provide an opportunity to meet you and discuss the building of a successful relationship. Research has shown that a parent’s contribution towards their child’s educational achievement are crucial; often playing a more significant role than that of the school or child. When we have high quality staff at school, supportive parents and motivated students, the results can be truly stunning. The meetings and coffee mornings have been deliberately scheduled in both mornings and evening time slots to allow as many parents/carers as possible to attend. The proposed dates are Thursday 5 May, 10.00am and 4.30pm and Wednesday 11 May, 9.15am and 4.30pm. If you would like to attend on any of these days, please email indicating your name, name of child, and the date and time you wish to attend. A confirmation email will be sent back to you with details on how to sign in on arrival.
One of my priorities over the coming weeks is to work with governors, staff and students to establish a shared vision for the next chapter in the school’s journey. As a school, we are extremely proud of our motto Excellence for All, and you will see it everywhere around the school building and in our communications. As the new Headteacher, Excellence for All is what I will strive to ensure that we deliver on a daily basis, as every child that walks through our school gate has enormous potential and deserves the best possible education.
Another key priority for me will be to ensure that the transition in leadership of the school is smooth. I am thrilled that I will be working closely with Adrian Ward who will still be overseeing the work of the school from his new position of Chief Executive Officer of the Bordesley Multi Academy Trust. The trust is highly committed to provide the very best education for all of it’s member schools and am eager to work alongside Adrian and the other leaders in the middle and first schools to provide the highest quality education for the students in our community from three to nineteen years of age. In terms of continuity of approach, Trinity High School will continue to be unrelenting in it’s quest to support students make as much academic progress as possible so they are equipped for the next stages of their education or career. We also believe it is our duty to develop character so students can communicate effectively, have the resilience to persevere when things get difficult, work as part of a team and develop their leadership skills. Finally, we want students who leave us to be kind, honest and good people who are ready to take on the challenges that life will present them and respectful of the people and the situations they encounter. Simply put, we want our students to realise their talents and create their futures.
I really look forward to meeting and working with you. The staff and I are available to discuss any issues or queries that you may have and if you require support or simply have a question, then please don’t hesitate to contact the relevant member of staff in the normal way.
Best wishes to everyone for a very good summer term ahead.
Yours sincerely
Nigel Ford