Update for parents and carers
The number of Covid cases across the country are now rising much more rapidly, and Redditch has one of the highest rates in Worcestershire. Added to this, we are now approaching the time of year when respiratory illnesses, such as colds and flu, are much more prevalent.
Last week the governing body met to discuss how the school had responded to the return of all students in September. There was an extensive discussion regarding face coverings and the meeting decided to make some changes to the school’s approach.
From Monday 5th October, staff were asked to wear a face covering in the corridors at lesson changeovers. This is the time when the corridors are particularly busy with students and staff moving to lessons.
From next Monday, 12th October, all students will be required to do the same. We feel this will add an extra level of protection to both staff and students as we move into what is inevitably going to be a challenging winter period. We would ask that all students bring a face covering to school each day, with a plastic bag to keep it in when it is not being worn.
I will write to you again later in the week outlining in more detail our protocols, and what will happen if a student fails to bring in their own mask.
Finally, not only am I asking for your support in ensuring all students have a face covering, but that you continue to support the school in reinforcing the importance of social distancing and good hand hygiene, both inside and out of school.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes
Adrian Ward