Parental Bulletin
Dear Parent/Carers
I hope you had a peaceful and relaxing half term holiday.
This week, our GCSE and A level students have continued to show great determination and resilience, as the public examinations continue. We are proud of their conduct during this exam season, and of course, if any student feels the need for a bit of extra support at this time, help is at hand at school.
The rest of our Trinity students continue to work hard and there are lots of exciting activities for them to look forward to, this half term. We have trips heading out to Barcelona, the World War One Battlefields, Eindhoven and the London art galleries. Closer to home, we’ve also got the Big Bang STEM fair and a day of cultural celebration, here at Trinity, at the end of the month.
In other news, we have had the huge honour of being accepted by the Ministry of Defence to run an RAF cadet unit at the school, beginning in Summer 2024. This will allow our students access to even more enriching opportunities, such as flying, gliding, adventure training, camping, air and space technology and much more. This opportunity is summed up by the RAF Cadet organisation: ‘Whatever activities you choose to enjoy, you will certainly gain skills that can help with all aspects of your life, from now into adulthood. These skills will be useful for any path you follow in the future. There’s no need to worry about your level of ability or experience’.
We look forward to bringing you more news about this exciting venture, soon.
Unfortunately, Mr Ford has had some surgery this week, but he is recovering well and looks forward to writing to you again, next week. Have a lovely weekend; enjoy the sunshine.
Ms G Baker
Deputy Headteacher
For parents/carers who ordered a copy/copies of the ‘Power of Poetry’ anthology from the Young Writers charity, those have now been delivered to school and will be given to the respective student to bring home. We hope you enjoy reading your child’s imaginative work and congratulations on their published poem.
DofE kit collection – Friday 23rd June (after school)
Silver DofE Assessed Expedition – Sunday 25th June – Wednesday 28th June
Bronze DofE Assessed Expedition – Monday 26th June – Wednesday 28th June
ALL students must have their evidence uploaded for the other 3 sections in time for their expedition.
The following information will hopefully explain the basic stages and actions that need to be taken for Work Experience. Can I thank everyone who has really worked hard to gets things organised for their child so far. If there are any queries or concerns, please email me at
Work Experience – The Stages
1.Reply Slip returned.
2.Consider what careers and jobs you are interested in
3.Log onto website then Log in ( details were sent to you via email)
4.Select placements – wait for school approval ( red dot will go green)
5.Send CV and letter of application and make contact with the company ( Templates of CV and Letter of Application can be found on the school website under Careers and on TEAMS Intake 21 Careers)
6.The Company EBP, take over then and will get back to you with the confirmation and any details of the placement such as hours, dress code etc.
If you have your own placement and Mrs Laxton has not filled in the details there is an extra box on your page that allows you to add these details and then the company can carry on as if it was a placement off the website.( If it is with family you will probably know all the arrangements anyway)
7.A Logbook will then be given when placement confirmed.
You may have already heard about NCS (National Citizen Service) – over 750,000 young people have taken part. This year, NCS is better than ever with brand new away from home experiences. This is your teen’s chance to get out into the world, get some new skills, make friends AND have fun. NCS away from home experiences will help your teen to Live It, Boss It, or Change It over five-days and four-nights – the choice of theme is theirs!
This 5-day adventure away from home gives young people the life hacks they didn’t know they needed, teaches survival skills, and tests limits with adrenaline-filled outdoor activities.
This experience takes place at university accommodation and is for young people keen to start their career goals or own business. It gives tools, know-how, and inspiration needed to take control and be successful.
This theme gives young people the change to change their community, or even the world, for the better. They’ll explore the issues facing society today, discover their purpose, and turn passions into projects that make a difference.
What are the benefits of NCS away from home experiences?
- It’s only £95 for the entire experience, including accommodation, transport and food (bursaries are also available).
- NCS enhances CVs and college applications.
- NCS is recognised by UCAS and will benefit personal statements.
- NCS improves confidence and offers skills essential for starting work.
- NCS provides new skills and helps people develop independence.
- NCS allows your teen a chance to stay away from home.
It’s an exciting opportunity and not one to be missed. Your teen can only do NCS away from home experiences when they are 16 or 17 year olds, so if they’re looking for a new challenge or a chance to get out the house and make a difference, visit and register today, places are limited.
Please find the latest version attached.
In our drive to broaden our vocabulary, please find our new T2 Workable Word of the week – “ACQUIRE” – If you learn a new skill, you have ‘acquired’ it. If you buy a new pair of jeans, you have ‘acquired’ them. We all need to ‘acquire’ new things occasionally, but which will be more valuable in the long run to you? The skill or the clothing? Only one of these might lead to a better job or new experience. And we’ll give you a clue… It isn’t the jeans!
We use the word ‘acquire’ as a verb.
Here are some ways you could use the word:
“The student acquired the grades they needed for their apprenticeship at McClaren Cars.” (verb).
“By taking a few deep breaths, they could acquire a sense of calm before the big test.” (verb).
Where does the word come from?
Late Middle English acquere, from Old French aquerre, based on Latin acquirere ‘get in addition’, from ad- ‘to’ + quaerere ‘seek’. The English spelling was modified ( c. 1600) by association with the Latin word.
22 June | Y9 Big Bang Fair |
26 – 28 June | DofE Bronze & Silver Assessed Expeditions |
3 – 7 July | Y10 & 11 Eindhoven Sports Tour |
10 – 14 July | Y10 Barcelona Trip |
17 July | Sports Day |
17 July | Y9 Reports |
21 July | Break up for Summer Holidays |
6 September | Return to school at 08.45am |