
Parental Bulletin



Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome to Summer Term!

This week at Trinity we have hit the ground running after a long and well-deserved Easter break. Summer term is always a tale of two halves; exam season dominates the summer term for our Year 11 and 13 students, but summer term in any good school is always associated with fantastic wider experiences, where we use the weather to our advantage and broaden students’ horizons in and out of the curriculum. As always, we will be sharing the experiences that our students are participating in, on all of our communication platforms, particularly Facebook and our website.

This week has been a wonderful start to term. Students arrived back to school looking smart and have worked really hard in lessons and beyond. Some of the highlights of my week have been;

  • The lovely EID messages that students posted on our HEART WALL. 
  • The confidence and preparation that is been demonstrated by our Year 11 students as they take on their first external exams-language speaking exams and food practicals. 
  • The feedback from the Year 9 Sports Games at Bromsgrove School where our students were an absolute credit to us and demonstrated leadership skills well beyond their years. 
  • The ‘Integer’ Writing Competition concluded, and I am blown away by the fact that over fifty of our students from Years 9-11 have had their imaginative writing work published in an anthology of short stories, created by the Young Writers charity. The competition, led by the English team, involved writing a 100-word short story based on the concept of numbers. 

Next week the calendar is action packed as always but there will be some disruption on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May due to the Industrial Action. We have rescheduled a few of the Year 10 exams in light of this and new timetables will be published. I am sincerely sorry for the ongoing disruption, but I must also balance this with publicly supporting my colleagues for fighting for the best possible conditions for our profession, so our children can access the very best education.

Please can I ask that parents/carers, support our mission of EXCELLENCE FOR ALL by ensuring that students look impeccable, and they arrive on time every day with uniform that is compliant with our uniform policy. Please can I also make a plea for you to ensure that your child is in school every day, as this is the only way we can guarantee excellent academic outcomes and an exceptional wider education.

I look forward to sharing success all Summer Term and thank you for your ongoing support.

Mr Ford



We now have a stock of ties in the Year Office, available to sell to students. They are £7.00, which must be paid in cash at the moment as MCAS is not able to handle random transactions. This may change.


We have noticed a rise in numbers of students going to First Aid to request water. This is not an appropriate use of First Aid. May we request that parents/carers ensure their child has a water bottle, in their bag, to bring to school and refill at school if necessary. Thank you.


Year 11 – If your child wants to consider a different progression pathway after they have completed their GCSE’s then that would not be a problem but if applying for an Apprenticeship then please keep the College or Sixth Form place until it is successful. I will be responding to my emails all the way through the summer period.

Year 10  – Work Experience Update – Thank you to everyone who has sent in their reply slips and individual placement details. Any outstanding slips need to be brought in or emailed to me as soon as possible.

The students now have access to the EBP Database site with their unique User Code (sent on an email) password ‘TrinityHigh’ Students have also got a detailed list of what to do, which will be covered in PSHE and Form Lessons.

All information and documentation can be found on the school website under Careers Information and Work Experience.


Please find the latest version attached.

In our drive to broaden our vocabulary, please find our new T2 Workable Word of the week – ‘AMBITION’ – Schools are the sort of places where people ask you – what next? Exam season is about to start. And then? Your plans for the future are part of your ‘ambition’. All your ‘ambitions’ – big or small – if you execute them then you are making them a reality. It might days minutes, hours, days or even years. All ‘ambitions’ require thought and often hard work to become a reality. You won’t win the lottery. Sorry – the odds are too small. Numbers wise – we can say it will NOT happen. That’s life. Your ‘ambition’ is much more likely to get you the life that you want. We use the word ‘ambition’ as a noun.

Here are some ways you could use the word:

“Her ambition was – one day – to become an airline pilot and travel the world.” (noun)

“Young men and women with ambition are more likely to make a success of themselves.” (noun)

Where does the word come from?

Middle English: via Old French from Latin ambitio(n-), from ambire ‘go around (canvassing for votes)’.



28 April Y9 Cultural Capital Trip – Malvern Hills
1 May May Day Bank Holiday – school closed
8 May Coronation Bank Holiday – school closed
12 May Y13 Leavers’ Day
26 May Break up for Half Term
29 May – 2 June Half Term
5 June Return to school at 08.45am



  • tes
  • SSAT
  • LEPP
  • EQualities
  • IoE-Partnership-logo
  • eco-schools-bronze-award
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • healthy-school