
Ofsted: Trinity High School rated ‘good’ in new report

Staff at Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre are delighted with the rating which covers the quality of education, personal development, behaviour and attitudes and sixth form provision at the school.
Ofsted also judged the leadership and management of the school to be outstanding and praised the “diligent work” of staff to implement improvements and build on its strengths.
Headteacher Nigel Ford said: “The entire team at Trinity are exceptionally proud of this outcome and we would like to thank our parents and carers who are such an integral part of the Trinity family for your support, which undoubtedly contributes to the Trinity success story.
“Although this report represents a huge achievement; I remain deeply committed to continuing to develop our school in the best interest of our wonderful students and I very much look forward to writing the next chapter in our exciting journey.”
The report also highlighted the school’s HEART values of happiness, excellence, ambition, respect and tolerance and said they “permeate through all aspects of school life”.
The inspectors added: “Pupils are respectful and polite and show positive attitudes. They enjoy their lessons and are focused on learning.
“In social time, they enjoy time with their friends and behave well.”
The teachers were also praised for their “strong subject knowledge”, lesson plans and support for their students.
The report said: “Teachers ensure that knowledge and concepts are broken down into small parts. In lessons, they provide pupils with interesting and engaging activities. These support pupils’ understanding well.
“Expectations for pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are high. The school’s ethos weaves through the strategies to support pupils in managing their own behaviour.”
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