Parental Update 29/09/2020
Parental Update
Dear Parents and Carers
We are now one month into the new school year, although for many of us it feels a lot longer. These are unprecedented times, and headteachers feel like we are wedged between a rock and a hard place. Thank you to those of you who have sent messages of support. Never have they been more appreciated.
I would like to draw a few issues and concerns to your attention:
- The weather has turned colder. The heating in school is now on (although we have had a few teething problems). Government guidance is that we need to maintain good ventilation, which is difficult when the temperature drops. Students will be permitted to wear outdoor coats over their uniform if they are cold in lessons. Students MUST wear a blazer, and we would encourage students to wear a school jumper as well in order to keep warm.
- We are reviewing our position on face masks, but these are still optional for students who wish to wear them at lesson changeovers. I will update you, if the school changes its policy in this area.
- Social Distancing. In school we have opted, as many schools have, to keep students in year group bubbles. We have no control over this once they are outside school. Please can I ask that you reinforce with your children the importance of observing the guidance outside of school in order to protect the entire school community. We now have around 1000 students and over 150 staff. All of us have a responsibility to look after each other at this time.
- Thank you to those of you that have completed our ICT access survey. This will help us plan how we set work in the event of another lockdown. Please complete this if you have not yet done so.
- I have received several queries regarding HPV vaccinations. Unfortunately I have not been informed by the NHS when these will be happening. Once we have a date for these, we will let you know. Please remember that school is NOT responsible for these. This is an NHS initiative.
- I attach a flow diagram, which has been published by Worcester Children First, which should help with deciding on how to proceed if your child is unwell.
- I also attach a letter from NHS England about Test and Trace.
Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Best wishes
Adrian Ward