
Christmas Update

Dear Parents and Carers

There have been a number of announcements over recent days relating to the start of term in January. These have been announced with very little time before the Christmas break, and with virtually no detail from government. As a result, I will be meeting with my Leadership Team between Christmas and New Year, when hopefully we will have been provided with some useful guidance (I live in hope). Given this uncertainty I thought it important to write to you and reassure you that once we have a plan, we will write to you with details. Please keep an eye on your emails over the Christmas and New Year period. Do not contact the school, we will contact you.

What we do know is that Year 11 and 13 will be in school as normal. Years 9, 10 and 12 will, for most students, work remotely from home for the first week. This will work as it did when bubbles collapsed, with all lessons and tutor time being delivered live on Teams. The children of key workers, vulnerable children and children with EHCPs may also come to school at this time, but we plan to deliver online lessons to them as well (this is the only way we can deliver effectively to students in this situation). Further details will be sent out before the start of term as to how this will work, and how we will need to verify key worker status.

In addition, we are expected to roll out mass testing of both staff and students in this week. Please be reassured that when we get more information, we will pass it on. However, we would encourage all students to take up this offer, but it will not be compulsory.

As you can appreciate, school staff have been on the front line of this pandemic from the start. At times it feels that we get very little recognition from government regarding this, but we continue to do the best we can under extraordinarily challenging circumstances.

I hope you all manage to have a good Christmas and New Year break.


Best wishes

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