Parental Bulletin w/e 16.9.22
Dear Parents and Carers
The first full week of the academic year at Trinity has been action packed as always. Our students have embraced all aspects of school life and are really settling well into the new term. Students are working hard in lessons and those that enjoy sport, turned up after school on Wednesday to represent their house in the first house sports event of the academic year. As a community we have also continued to pay our respects to Her Majesty the Queen through themed assemblies and using our HEART WALL to collate messages of condolence. I think I speak on behalf of all the staff when I say that it has been nothing short of fantastic welcoming our students back.
Please can I remind parents/carers of our attendance target for the academic year. If students are truly going to fulfil their potential, then they need to attend school 98% of the time or more. I have added capacity to our attendance team to ensure that both our lower school and sixth form students secure exceptional attendance. You can support us to help your son/daughter be successful by ensuring they attend everyday unless they have a highly contagious illness or family bereavement. Please also ensure medical appointments are organised outside the school day. Student attendance is strong so far; please help us to maintain this good start.
It is also worth reminding you that our new website is now live and all information that you need to ensure that your son/daughter can be successful in their education with us is available at the click of a button.
Finally, I would like to remind you that Trinity will be closed on Monday 19th September for the Queen’s state funeral, and we will reopen on Tuesday 20th September at the normal time.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mr Ford
Take an appreciative look back over the remarkable life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with our timeline poster.
When Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died, Britain – and the world – lost a respected ruler who could always be counted on to do her best, even in difficult times. Since her death, leaders of other countries have described her as “warm”, “kind”, “funny”, “wise” and “dignified”. She will be sadly missed, but let’s remember that for the 70 years she ruled the UK. The Queen always kept the promise she made when she was crowned – to serve her people and her country. Please see the “Timeline” poster attached.
A free guide on supporting children in dealing with grief, in collaboration with The National College. It’s important that trusted adults feel able to help children and young people cope with grief –particularly at the moment, when we are mourning the loss of a public figure who was cherished by so many. Children are seeing bereavement and sadness being featured heavily the national news and in their favourite online spaces, and hearing it being talked about extensively among families and in the community. How can we help them in processing grief healthily at this potentially upsetting time? In the guide, you’ll find tips such as understanding what grief is, encouraging coping strategies and reaching out for support. This is part of our Mental Health category. Please find guide attached.
Could there be a reminder that we need proof of hospital, dentist apps etc BEFORE the appointment
DofE 2021-22
There will be a DofE meeting for all students who took part in the DofE award scheme last academic year in rooms 42 and 43 on Tuesday 20th September after school. This will be an opportunity for you to get all of your EDofE signed off and complete the award. ALL students must attend this meeting and if you would like to be part of DofE this year it is especially important that you complete all sections.
The next payment for the Year 10 Barcelona trip is due on 30th September 2022 – please refer to MCAS.
Parents are invited to a languages taster session on Wednesday 28th September, as part of our European Languages week here at Trinity. This will take place at school from 6pm – 7pm AND parents will be able to have a short Spanish or French session. All welcome!
Media Trip for Y11 to Twycross Zoo, payments are now on MCAS.
The London Zoo trip postponed in the Summer Term is going ahead on Friday 23rd September. Students will need to meet in the Dining Hall at 8.20am and will return to school at approximately 5pm. It is non-school uniform, and they will need to bring their own lunch or money to purchase lunch and a drink.
We are back!!!! After-school on Wednesday in the Music Room. Everyone is welcome!
Please find latest timetable attached.
Free Parents Career Guides New 2022/23 FREE parents careers guides – download today (
Available from Mrs Hannan, Mrs Green and any of the Pastoral staff. Please SEE
Please see three attached posters pertaining to all you need to know regarding Safeguarding at THS.
In our drive to broaden our vocabulary, please find our new T2 Workable Word of the week – ‘IDENTITY’ – When you ‘identify’ something, you realise where the issue is or what is causing it. It could be positive or negative.
You can ‘identify’ two or more things together, and by looking for and accepting a problem, it creates a more tolerant environment for everyone. ‘Identify’ is a verb.
Here are some ways you could use the word:
“The new player was very keen to identify what impact she could have on the team.
We will identify which trees are diseased and remove them, so the rest can grow successfully.
All people should identify one positive thing they bring to the world.”
Where does it come from?
Late 16th century (in the sense ‘quality of being identical’): from late Latin identitas, from Latin idem ‘same
19 Sept | Bank Holiday – Queen Elizabeth II Funeral |
20 Sept | Return to school at 08.45am |
28 Sept | MFL Parents’ Evening |
13 Oct | Open Evening |
20 Oct | Pastoral Open Evening – All Years |
21 Oct | School breaks up for Half-Term |
24 – 28 Oct | Half-Term |
31 Oct | Return to school at 08.45am |