
Parental Bulletin 30.9.22



Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to this week’s Parents’ Bulletin. We pride ourselves on effective communication with parents/carers and this bulletin, alongside our amazing website and social media platforms, are our regular channels of communication. Please regularly check these platforms as we constantly update them with news from around the Trinity community.

This week we have been busy preparing for our Open Week on the week beginning Monday 10th October. Throughout the week, prospective parents and students will have several opportunities to visit the school during the school day or in our Open Evening on Thursday 13th October. Please go to our website for more details if you wish to book a visit.

A really important date for parents/carers of Year 11 students is Tuesday 1st November. On this evening we will host our Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening and Sixth Form Open Evening. This is an exciting evening where we will prepare students and families to successfully navigate Year 11, whilst showcasing our amazing sixth form provision which, next year, will feature more courses that we will be offering, based on the students wishes. We really hope all Year 11 parents will join us at this really important event.

May I take the opportunity to remind parents of the importance of ensuring your son/daughter has exceptional attendance to school this year. Please only keep your son/daughter off school if they have a contagious illness. If you need support with removing any barriers to your son/daughter’s attendance, then please don’t hesitate to contact us – help at Trinity is never far away!

Next week we will announce the names of our new Head Students following our whole school election – we wish all of the students who have stood for the roles the very best of luck.

Have a great weekend.


Mr Ford



We respectfully ask that you be mindful of the snacks that you send your child into school with.  We have a number of students who are seriously allergic to nuts and who could suffer a potentially fatal anaphylactic shock if they come into any kind of contact with them.


Please find our Privacy Notice for Parents/carers attached.


Saturday 1st October

  • No West Midlands Railway services will be in operation on any route.
  • Some morning services on Sunday 2nd October may be affected.

Wednesday 5th October

  • No West Midlands Railway services will be in operation on any route.
  • Some morning services on Thursday 6th October may be affected.

Saturday 8th October

  • A significantly reduced timetable is expected to run between the hours of 07:30 – 18:30.


  • Friday 30th September 2022 and Saturday 1st October 2022
  • Thursday 13th October 2022
  • Thursday 20th October 2022
  • Tuesday 25th October 2022
  • Monday 28th November 2022


DofE – The deadline for uploading any evidence and assessors’ reports to EDofE is Friday 7th October. Any issues please speak to Miss Lyons or Mrs Styler


A free online safety guide on how to be green with your tech. Right now, humans aren’t living sustainably: we’re taking too many resources and not leaving the world in a fit state for future generations. Old tech products are a clear example: if we throw them away, the poisonous lead and mercury inside can get into the food chain through the soil. Recycling tech, though, has its own issues: it’s often exported to countries where the law doesn’t protect people from hazards. Whole villages (including children) sort through discarded devices to remove useful parts and substances like gold, silver and copper – often putting their health at risk. Finding ways to re-use tech is the greenest option. In the guide, you’ll find tips on a number of things such as donating your old devices to charity, reusing your smartphones and recycling the batteries. Poster attached.


Due to the unforeseen circumstances regarding Worcester Warriors, the Careers and Apprenticeship Roadshow due to be held there on Wednesday 12th October from 4pm till 8pm has now been moved to County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP. Two flyers attached regarding forthcoming Careers events.


This week several students have presented at our First Aid base with symptoms potentially caused by not eating before or during school. It would be useful if parents/carers either topped up student catering accounts or provided them with adequate food/drink for the day. If there are any issues caused by the cost of living, then please give us a call and we will be delighted to discreetly support you. There is a free breakfast club that runs each day in the Dining Hall from 8.10am for those students in need of breakfast. Please feel free to come and join us.


“Take Part” programme attached.


For parent carers who have a child on the assessment pathway or who has an ASD diagnosis:

Mon 17th October            9.30 – 12.00              Sensory Differences and your child

Mon 7th November          9.30 – 11.00              Autism and Communication

Mon 21st November        9.30 – 11.00              Autism and Behaviour

Mon 12th December        9.30 – 11.00              Autism and Anxiety

Registration on these sessions includes a recording to watch later. To book, parent carers should visit AWM’s events page: Flyers for the training in the Autumn Term are attached.


Please find updated version attached.

In our drive to broaden our vocabulary, please find our new T2 Workable Word of the week – ‘RELATE’ – If you can ‘relate’ to something or someone, it means you have tried to understand it better. You may also have had direct experience of what is happening around you or to a friend. You communicate with them – sometimes you don’t need words. We use ‘relate’ as a verb.

Here are some ways you could use the word:

“The rugby club were left money for new posts and equipment for the children’s teams by a benevolent former player in their will.”

“Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole are famous benevolent nurses from history.”

Where does it come from?

Mid-16th century: from Latin relat- ‘brought back’, from the verb referre .



10 – 12 Oct Open Mornings – 9am – 11am
13 Oct Open Evening
20 Oct Pastoral Open Evening – All Years
21 Oct School breaks up for Half-Term
24 – 28 Oct Half-Term
31 Oct Return to school at 08.45am
1 Nov Sixth Form Information Evening



  • tes
  • SSAT
  • LEPP
  • EQualities
  • IoE-Partnership-logo
  • eco-schools-bronze-award
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • healthy-school