


Dear Parent/Carers


I hope you have all had a good week and are enjoying the long summer evenings. Please can I encourage parents/carers to read and digest the contents of the letter I sent out this week, as it has very important information regarding arrangements for next year’s school uniform, timings of the school day and our new approach to mobile phones. We really appreciate the parents and carers that have worked with us during the consultation phases regarding any changes we are making to our daily provision. We are very certain that any small changes such as these will make ‘Excellence for All’ even easier to achieve.


This week the summer examinations gradually came to an end. On behalf of the governors and staff, I would like to thank Year 11 and 13 for the commitment and maturity they have shown over the course of the exam period. Parents/carers of students in these year groups will receive letters from me detailing exam results day arrangements in the coming days. If you have any questions or queries, please let us know.


Next week my favourite part of the school year begins and although our personal development curriculum has been more action packed than ever, next week we have the start of all of the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, trips and residentials. We really hope that students involved in all of these activities both benefit from them and make memories that will last a lifetime.


We will continue to keep you up to date with all of the wonderful moments that our students are experiencing on our website and our social media channels. We hope you enjoy keeping in touch.


Have a super weekend.


Mr Ford




With the summer holidays looming – parents/carers may find this useful. Please find attached.



Family Fun Day to raise money for the Stroke Association. Please see attached.



Thank you very much for your cooperation and we are moving on with the Work Experience with many of the students placed.

They all need to have completed their CV and Letter of application, had it checked by L Laxton, so it is ready to send to the companies they have chosen.

Ms Laxton is now beginning to concentrate on companies who have not responded to get confirmation as soon as possible or if needs be tell the student to apply elsewhere.

If the student has found their own placement and had it confirmed, then all that information is put on the database and checked by WEBP. If it is working with family, then that is added in the notes.  If you have any concerns, please contact



Please find the latest version attached.


In our drive to broaden our vocabulary, please find our new T2 Workable Word of the week – “ELEMENT” If you want to describe the building blocks of an idea, or a space or even a human being, if you go back far enough you get to the ‘elements’. It’s most basic ingredients. ‘Elements’ form compounds in chemistry. We talk about being exposed to the ‘elements’ if we encounter wild and strong weather. We watch sports matches that have all the ‘elements’ of a classic game. We use the word ‘element’ as a noun.

Here are some ways you could use the word:

“Her achievements had all the elements of a rags-to-riches story.” (noun)

“Training to be a lawyer will include many elements of legal history and theory.” (noun)

“He was raised in the mountains, and the cold is his natural element.” (noun)

Where does the word come from?

Middle English (denoting fundamental constituents of the world or celestial objects): via Old French from Latin elementum ‘principle, rudiment’, translating Greek stoikheion ‘step, component part’.




26 – 28 June DofE Bronze & Silver Assessed Expeditions
3 – 7 July Y10 & 11 Eindhoven Sports Tour
10 – 14 July Y10 Barcelona Trip
17 July Sports Day
17 July Y9 Reports
21 July Break up for Summer Holidays
6 September Return to school at 08.45am








  • tes
  • SSAT
  • LEPP
  • EQualities
  • IoE-Partnership-logo
  • eco-schools-bronze-award
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • healthy-school