back to Trinity Sixth Form Centre
Faculty: Creative & Technical
Subject: Food Science and Nutrition
Subject Leader: Mr Cook Course Leader
Staff and Responsibility: Mrs Kirk, Mrs Cadman
Exam Board: WJEC EQDAS
Unit 1: Meeting Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups
Part 1: Theory test – 90minutes. Looks at nutrition in detail and developing practical skills. Exam marked externally. There will be a mixture of short and long response questions on hygiene and nutrition, and a section to analyse a person’s diet which will need improving.
Part 2: Coursework – 9.5 hours. This includes a practical cooking exam, that involves students cooking a three course meal, based on a scenario given by the exam board. It will need to be planned for creating a time plan and justifying choice of dishes and why they are suitable to the task, showing a detailed understanding of nutrition and hygiene.
Year 13
Unit 2: Ensuring food is safe to eat.
This is assessed by a written assignment, which has 8 hours for completion. It will include a risk assessment for a set of given recipes and training materials for staff at a food-based event for example a food festival or a burger van. This will include a trip to the local Nandos to see how the chain follows hygiene and safety procedures
Unit 3: Experimenting to solve food production problems.
12 hour practical and written assessment. Students work to a brief to complete a range of food-based experiments testing the scientific properties of ingredients to improve a product for a food company. A range of testing, tasting, research and practicals are completed, and a detailed report written up.
Results UCAS points: Distinction* 56, Distinction 48, Merits 32, Pass 16. Students will gain an understanding of the science of food safety, nutrition and nutritional needs in a wide range of contexts, and through on-going practical sessions, gain practical skills to produce quality food items to meet the needs of individuals. The course is designed to offer exciting, interesting experiences that focus on the learning for 16–19-year-olds through applied learning i.e. through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in purposeful, work related contexts, linked to the food production industry. There is the opportunity for educational food trips to BBC Good Food Show and a trip to Italy as well as Nandos.
POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS Sports science, Food Teacher, journalist, product development, environment health, food science, National Health Service, Food quality, public relations, Health promotions, Nutritionists etc.
OTHER Food is one of the fastest growing industries, with many varied jobs on offer. Food Science and Nutrition offers further study on many Food related degree programs: BSC Human Nutrition, BSC Public Health and Nutrition, BSC Food and Consumer Management.